Total Medals Earned: 88 (From 31 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,170 Points
Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)
Medals Earned: 2/9 (60/355 points)
Level up to the max level
Get the max attack combo chain
Beat the game
Defeat Tom's Backup Plan
Beat the game without a helper
Beat the game without dying
Get 12 red coins in one game
Beat the game in under 5 minutes
Beat the game without getting hit
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/155 points)
Get your first faceful of pavement
Land a Combo of 5 or more
Land a Combo of 15 or more
Land a Combo of 25 or more
Land a Combo of 40 or more
Go 1000 meters without landing a single trick
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
who in the right mind would make a joke like that...
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/215 points)
Complete 4 levels.
Complete 8 levels.
Complete 12 levels.
Complete 16 levels.
Complete 20 levels.
Complete 24 levels.
Medals Earned: 5/12 (75/385 points)
You started the game.
You got your first Thin Fish!
You got your first Money Fish!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
You got your first Hotdog Fish!
You got the Robo-Fish!
You got the Double Food upgrade!
You got your first Carnivourus Fish!
You've recieved the Fattest Fish EVER!
Nice Job!
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/140 points)
Survive Night 1
Survive Night 2
Survive Night 3
Survive Night 4
Survive Night 5
Survive Night 6
Survive Custom Night
Survive 6/20 mode
Medals Earned: 2/18 (55/660 points)
Watching kredit make me STRONG
Achieve the Rank PD
Listen to a song linked in the credits
Where is he?
Stuck the landing
*Obnoxious Airhorn Sound*
You knew he'd be in this game somewheres
Wake up and smell the snow
Achieve the Rank CA
Achieve the Rank GI
Achieve the Rank IRO
Achieve the Rank TB
Get a total of 101 fails
Find all 60 unique fails
Unlock every medal, then click the icon (ingame)
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)