no way
no way
it wasn't milk.
It was paint! White paint! Right? That's what it was, right?
yeah i guess that's close enough
very cute tbh
Many thanks ^^
funny family guy meme lol
i love it but what the hell is that monster? am i missing something?
This is part 9 in the story so there's a lot of backstory by now. The monster is Walter White. There's a link to a YouTube playlist under the video if you want to catch up.
Alright, I'll give credit where credit is due. This is infact a new Eddsworld episode which does earn some points. Some positives I have are the animation. I don't really get why you guys went for the 2010 look of Eddsworld for this new generation but I have no complaints about it. I also appreciate the effort to make Tom have a voice but I think it could've been funny if he didn't have one at all. Kind of a charlie chaplin situation or something.
Ok so now to the real meat and potatoes; In fairness, it probably took a long time to get the script written and animated which warrants the need for a part 2. But there are just too many things happening here that seem to never come back up. I get that they may get brought up again in the second part but if they we're supposed to wait until then, why even bring it now at all? Wouldn't it make more sense for that to show up in the second part so it feels like plot progression is actually happening which makes more hype for part 2? I don't know, I'm not a professional writer. (edit: solution; make those things happen later in the animation and not in the beginning.)
I'd also like to take a minute to talk about the jokes. Some of them are actually funny but a lot of them just drag for way too long. For instance, the "cure for all diseases" bit. It took almost an entire minute just to get the point of the bit when you didn't really need it to begin with. Just... have a crab cut the cable or something? I just feel like there could've been a better way than to add an extra minute to this already 11 minute animation.
Last thing I have is Tom's voice. It sounds so widly different from the original. It lost so much of the edge and subtle comedy the old one had. It feels like filling a hole in the wall with gum, it's not as functional as silicone but there isn't a hole in the wall anymore, right?
That's it.
2024 - Five year anniversary of Penguins.
Thank you all for all the laughs and welcoming me into your quaint little community. Here's to another five!
Comic Artist
going there, yes
BlackTopp City
Joined on 5/30/17